Se transformer en en anglais
Se transformer en en anglais

se transformer en en anglais

Une larve devient une chrysalide et endure le temps de se transformer en beau papillon. And some have the power to transform into bats.

se transformer en en anglais

Certains peuvent se transformer en chauves-souris. It may turn into a cicada and cry out loud. In Japan, the kyara-ka phenomenon, ‘transforming into a character’ (Aihara Hiroyuki, 2007) is now giving birth to what Nozawa Shunsuke (2013) calls ‘an emerging art of self–fashioning.’ Based on elaborate disguise techniques, the kyara-ka phenomenon covers a variety of communication strategies and practices: cosplay, kigurumi, Vtubing, utaloid voice banks, use of voice-image filters to upload videos where humans look like characters… Exploring all the aspects of this ‘thingification of humans’, the conference will reflect on how and why a growing number of people market themselves as characters. The conference goal is to address the complexity of issues raised by these voluntary and, perhaps, ironical acts of obliteration. Il peut se transformer en une cigale et crier fort. Interdisciplinary perspectives are also welcome. We invite submissions of abstracts considering the following sorts of questions: What is the relationship between storage and the labor of kinship? What kinds of possessions are sources of obligation? Which are experienced as social or animate beings? What social practices and spatial processes surround waste, excess, and the riddance of objects from the home? How might local ethnographic concepts like hau orbrol inform the anthropological understanding of attachment to possessions, recycling, or the circulation of second-hand objects? When is accumulation a valued social practice, and when is it morally suspect? How is the space of storage constructed in relationship to the social space of the home, and how might this reflect on the local category of stored things? We invite authors to consider how practices such as storage, stockpiling, and purging of belongings can be approached anthropologically in order to provide both nuanced ethnographic depth and broader cross-cultural and historical perspective.

Se transformer en en anglais